Hello DiceHead! You're here to slay the slimes? Great! I don't see any weapons though...

You're DiceHead and you Dodge Roll. That's all you do. However, you're also a dice. So every time you roll, you get one of six effects!



We would recommend skipping level 2 if you have trouble with it as a bug with the slime's movement makes that level more difficult that we intended. 
Also, if you encounter a bug where your dodge roll stops working, please refresh the page. You can play levels in any order so you won't lose progress.
We're really sorry for the inconvenience!


CONTROLS (Featuring controller support!):

Arrow Keys/WASD/Controller Joystick - Move

Z/Spacebar/ControllerX/A/Trigger - Dodge Roll



All dodge rolls cause an effect where you land.

FIRE: Shoots fire in four directions. Will bounce off walls.

ICE: Shoots ice in four diagonal directions. Shatter upon impact, causing small shards to fly.

GRASS: Grows grass after a short delay that slows upon entering.

LIGHTNING: Strikes a lightning bolt after a short delay that does damage.

POISON: Leaves a trail of poison gas that damages all who cross it's path.

LIGHT: Detonates a light bomb after a medium delay. Watch for the shine. Shoots light balls in eight directions.



Programming by @KeaneWa

Art by @MokkaQuill

Royalty Free Music by Nosoapradio_us

SFX generated using JSFXR

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